2023 Word: CELEBRATE


It’s that time of year again to write my new year blog! I love writing these to look back on my past goals and see how they turned out… successful or not. Instead of goals for myself, I usually just pick one word to represent how I would like my year to go. One word seems manageable and can be a great way to stay focused on it. I love looking back on my past words too:

  • 2019 was “Magic”

  • 2020 was “Patient” (this is still funny to me)

  • 2021 was “Content”

  • 2022 was “Build”

I had a hard time choosing my word this year. I think it’s because I have a family now… I have a beautiful baby boy and my goals and vision for our family mean so much more now. I finally decided on a word… CELEBRATE. Why?

Celebrate the little moments

It’s so easy to look over all of the little wins we have daily. But are they actually little? They may feel little but if we were to celebrate every single one, they would feel bigger. There are days I let go by without reflecting on or celebrating. I want to reflect daily and cherish all the moments big or small I had.

Celebrate Jesus

This year I want to celebrate publicly, who I love and who I believe should be celebrated by everybody. He is the reason we have this beautiful world to live in and all of these beautiful people and things surrounding us. Without Him, we would be nothing. I want to focus on him and make Him the center of every celebration.

Celebrate my business

I am proud of the business I have created but I frequently struggle with not feeling good enough or not feeling like I achieved “enough”. What does that even mean though? Why do I put this huge pressure on myself to do more or to take on more clients? Why not focus on what I have and celebrate each client I have in a more focused way? Yeah, I want to be successful and work hard. But I want to LOVE what I do more. Clients will come. Income will come. But I want to be celebrating the fact that this job is a dream job.

Now, if you made it this far… thanks. I appreciate you! Cheers to 2023 and all of the memories we will make this year.

Elizabeth Buccheri